Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Class Full of Sparring

Tonight was another great class of light sparring practice. I really feel that I am getting the hang of this! I find that I am not too intimidated by the men and that I am able to get a few good shots in! I am also noticing that I am more aggressive than the other women and feel more comfortable against the men. Do any of you feel the same way?

I still am struggling with all the intricacies of sparring. There is so much to watch and react to that it is a huge brain overload! At least I have been able to start to shut off my brain and over thinking and just do. Just to be in the moment and just focused on my opponent and the match.

In the school I train at there are no opportunities to compete as the focus is self defense. I have heard rumblings of possible competitions...I really hope than there is an opportunity to train to compete seriously and to ultimately compete!

It would be great to find some one on one instruction with the focus on competition. I really want the challenge and would love to have a mentor. If anyone knows of a great instructor feel free to let me know! Thanks!

- Janeil

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